Tuesday, December 18, 2007

US sovereignty takes another blow with global emissions ???

It seems this article from The August Review is just complaining about the only USA "effort" to try to get closer to every other country about reducing CO2. Bush is talking about taking another 5 years to, maybe, agree on CO2 reduction.I think it is both irresponsible and macho from the author as well as from the USA to pretend there will loose their sovereignty if ever they reduce their CO2 emissions.Are we talking about US sovereignty over this planet ?If your neighbor decides to start is car in his garage and close the door it's one thing. But if the garage is a planet and your neighbor wants to gas the garage it is not sovereignty but the right to kill anybody and the whole humanity.As far as I can see this article is total disinformation written by a fake organization to make us swallow that God is an American. The American Empire is falling down, the American Dream is about sustainable development itself a huge lie.The August Review is just another fake from Exxon, the CFR & other bankers & war criminals. Kyoto brings peace, peace lowers the price of gas, lowers weapon sales, lowers disinformation, lowers power abuses... That is exactly why they don't want it.The most dangerous WMD is disinformation. What make of car does the author (Patrick Wood) of this bullshit drives ? And does he get a low gas staff price from Exxon ?

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