Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Merkel's ‘no-fly zone’ in Syria : WHY ? ? ?

Merkel's ‘no-fly zone’ in Syria : WHY ? ? ?

It doesn't make sense !

German soldiers were in charge of NATO's Patriot missiles in Turkey to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria down to the Euphrates. Then they told us they were not bthere, then we were told they were leaving because of budget cuts, then I read they wanted to return but it wasn't clear if they ever got away !

Note that NATO has this "Erdogan Plan" for Turkey to invade Syria down to the Euphrates. Israel wants to create Kurdistan which is about the same area. Israel and Germany false-Jews agree on this as well as Turkish false-Jews... and it seems it's also part of the PROMISED LAND which ISIS, mercenaries of false-Jews (including Saudi Arabia !) want to create by erasing the frontiers designed by UK + France + Russia (false-Jews) thru  their 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreements which divided the Ottoman Islamist Empire of Constantinople (now Istanbul) where the 7 "synagogues of Satan" are on the Anatolian Aegean coast.

YES it's false-Jews against false-Jews AGAIN ! Same as WW1 and WW2 and most people don't even know it !

Germanic Varangian Vikings were mercenaries of Byzantium then christian Constantinople. They could start from Denmark-Germany (where the Angles and Saxons were, they colonized Angle-terre with Anglo-Saxons)  and they would go thru the Baltic, the Gulf of Finland and entered Russia thru St-Petersburg to reach the huge lake Lagoda, one of the most important trading post where they found the oldest money in Europe : an Arab Dinhar with a star of David on it !

From Lagoda they could get to the Volga and reach the Caspian Sea at Astrakhan which was a capital of Khazar false-Jews with whom they interbred and together they founded Kiev, their was the "Russia of Kiev" ancestor of Russia. These Varangian vickings were also named Rus.

A bit before Astrakhan they could steer back west, at Stalingrad (now Volgograd) and reach the Don, the Azov Sea, Crimea, the Black Sea and the Bosporus straight and Constantinople. Thru the Caspian they also got to Persia (Iran) and did reach Baghdad (Babylon) as well.

Constantinople "converted" to Islam and Germany were still their allies during WW1. This explain why we see so many German maps or Arabia, archaeologists etc.

What we have is the same as the start of Islam, like the famous Karbala fight (near Babylon), Crusades, the 1453 Ottoman Islamist Empire, WW1, WW2 : false-Jews starting wars against false-Jews ! It's also the same as the Old Testament book of Esther which Netanyahu mentioned when visiting the US Congress 2 weeks before his "elections" while trying to scare the US about nuclear Iran...

Netanyahu said he didn't fear Iran since Esther showed (false-Jews) "how to fight" ... by infiltrating countries from the TOP to create wars between countries they control ! Esther from Babylon seduced the Sha of Persia (Iran) to create wars on their satraps : from Libya to Pakistan = Arab Spring countries !

Side track : Kobani where Kurds fought ISIS, where the young boy dead on a beach of Turkey started the big fuss about refugees, Kobani is a German name, Germany built the railway to join Constantinople to Baghdad  and the town of Kobani started as a railway station. The local name is Ayin Al-Arab = Arab Spring !

Esther had red hair ... like the Vikings ! Netanyahu was "elected" on 17 March = St-Patrick's of Ireland day ! Now Ireland, Iran, Aria, Aryans (false-Jew Hitler's race !) names are all from the same source !

Want more ? Esther is also Ishtar : goddess of sex and wars of Babylon honored by the statue ofr Liberty of NY-NJ !!!!!!!! Liberty thru sex and wars : in Iran and in the USA ? lolll

Also note WW1 was started by UK's King George V cousin of German Kaizer cousin of Russian Czar Nicholas II ... to create UK's Palestine. WW2 was also between false-Jews : Hitler, Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt-Truman ... and false-Jew Einstein scared them with Hitler ... they started to build the Pentagon on 9/11/1941 and then started the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb.

Why would Germany prevent jets from attacking ISIS ? To force boots on the ground ? All countries who FAKE WAR against ISIS only use airplanes. To let ISIS clean the "Promised Land" ? Russia is NOT an "enemy", the Cold War was also faked and the victims were poor unarmed civilians from South America , Africa, Asia etc.. same as 2016 !

False-Jews "ARE THE synagogue of Satan" and they wrote it in Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9 !
In 2:9 they mention Smyrna, in Turkey, where NATO's LANDCOM (rule on earth or just the Promised Land ?) is ! What can be said about that single city deserves a post on it's own ... enough said here :)

1 comment:

  1. And Turkish false-Jews are agresive toward Kurd in Syria ! Turks say they will destroy Syria’s Menagh air base which is south of Aleppo and where as Azaz is north and close to the border of Turkey. Erdogan is a war nut ! https://www.rt.com/news/332471-turkey-syria-azaz-kurds/
