Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Plague of Astrakhan = Golden Horde of biblical locusts ???

The plague that killed between 75 and 200 million on the Indo-European continent also called the Black Death (peste Noire) started around 1330 CE in Kyrgyzstan which is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest and China to the east and it is related to the Mongol Invasions of China but also of the Middle-East.

The plague is related to Antrax !

These Mongols (Golden Horde) invaded a good part of Turkey and they teamed with France Crusaders to attack Alep (Aleppo) in Syria ... where Bashar al-Assad AND ISIS aim at civilians according to the UN almost today ! From what I read crusaders, and I bet Mongols too,  committed cannibalism : eating Islamists! They won in 1260 : a Bible tribulation period, the most often used one !

The plague seems to have taken off around 1335, another tribulation period (Daniel 12:12).

The plague came from the East, but rotten dead bodies were catapulted over the fortification in Crimea... and this is how it got transmitted to Europe by sailors doing commerce for Venice & al. It also reached the then Christian Constantinople (today Istanbul) the same way.

Astrakan is on the delta of the Volga that ends on the Caspian sea.... "formerly contained the capitals of Khazaria and the Golden Horde". Caucasian Khazars alias Sythian interbred with Germanic Vikings and together founded Kiev, ancestor of Russia. Vikings could travel along rivers to reach the Black Sea thru the Dnieper but also they used the Volga, that goes thru Moscow, to reach the Caspian Sea at Astrakan. They also reached Iraq by Iran.

These Mongols (like the famous Gengish Khan) also called Huns (the name Hungary comes from them) interbred with Khazars and they formed the Turk-Mongols.

The Caucasian Khazars are the ancestors of the Ashkenazi false-Jews, but they interbred with many different tribes, mostly the first horse riding nomadic warriors and the Vikings who were also mercenaries of Constantinople, the best killers ! Other mixes also include Aryans, like the Arian, Hitler was talking about his "Arian nation", these Arian were east of Iran, in fact Arian, Arya, Iran and Ireland are said to be from the same etymological source !

Ashkenazi false-Jews, such as Hitler, created the NAZI and the holocaust was created by Ashkenazi false-Jews ! Hitler was fighting against false-Jew Churchill but also Stalin and Roosevelt to name just a few.

WW1 was launched by the single bloodline of the European monarchy : UK's King George V was the cousin of Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II but also of Russia's Czar Nicolas II... all descendants of the Empress Victoria, their "Grandmother of Europe", who always claimed they all descend from King of false-Jews David who's tomb is on Mt Zion, the rock UNDER the "Dome over the Rock" is also under and undercover al-Aqsa as the Torah, Bible, Qur'an and the Talmud of Babylon were all written (in double-talk) by false-Jews to venerate their "God of Wars" and lies. aka Lucifer, "Angel of Light", Illuminati 1st, the night light like the moon that symbolizes lies.

Lucifer was father of Cain and Abel, as per Genesis 5 written (in double-talk) by false-Jew Moses born in Ür founded by Cain, himself ancestor of Canaanites false-Jews who originated and descend from Babylon along with all their empires (including UK) as per Daniel 2:31. Cain killed Abel and their descendants false-Jews often kill one another and/or create wars between 2 countries (or more) they control.

They created WW1 for UK's Palestine, WW2 for Israel and WW3 alias Armageddon is for the "Promised Land" with their ISIS mercenaries. WW1 : UK won against the Ottoman Islamist Empire of Constantinople which they divided with the Sykes-Picot Agreements that created Palestine and other Arab Spring countries.

So the following video talks about locust "plague" and farmers are afraid they will starve and this is similar to Moses with the Exodus out of Egypt, they had to eat locus !

False-Jews wrote the Bible and they wrote that false-Jews "form a synagogue of Satan" (Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9) and proved it in human history. They get power from lies, we grant them power by believing in lies ! The power of lies is a lie, the power of lies lies in lies ! FAITH is a trap since lies rule on earth today !

Hope : Information is indestructible ONLY if it is TRUTH. The collection of info = intelligence, this is why they call it the CIA ! Immaterial Information acts on matter, this makes semiconductor possible. Information when FREE has infinite speed = it's like time, all over the universe because it is like the 5th dimension of the universe. So it's like if they were 2 gods, one of truth and one of lies.... if one doesn't use is own intelligence to try to find truth then, even if he doesn't see it, he helps lies ! Truth protects so much that DOUBT protects !

This Russian link was just too significant because of history, geography, damn "religions" (they are ALL Satanic !) and to top it off these locusts are almost of a gold color... it is full of symbolism that 99 % of honest people wouldn't detect... I hope you understood something new :).

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