Sunday, January 31, 2016

Where are we going with this crazy 2016 ?

It started with the New-Year eve Cologne aggression most attribute to legal Syrian refuges while they were done by illegal migrants from North Africa. And  mainstream medias didn't talk about it before the 6th January, Epiphany day celebrating the 3 Magis or Kings  which came from the East, from Persia, Babylon and Yemen, to celebrate the birth of false-savior false-Jewsus, they had to cross Syria.

On videos we see the Cologne train station, they were taken from the stairs of the Cologne Cathedral where the sarcophagus of these 3 Maggi are. These were Frederick Barbarossa (1122- 1190) "Holy Roman Empire" who was elected King of Germany at Frankfurt. The most celebrated work of art in the cathedral is the Shrine of the Three Kings which was built from 1190 to 1191. 

The west front of the completed cathedral in 1911 :

Jewish tablets

Embedded in the interior wall are a pair of stone tablets on which are carved the provisions formulated by Archbishop Englebert II (1262–67) under which Jews were permitted to reside in Cologne.

The cathedral is at 150 ft from the huge Cologne train station  close to the Rhine. The Cologne station has 11 platforms, links to 11 different links and gets 280,000 travelers per day crossing the 6 tracks over the Rhine.

The  bridge over the Rhine was finished in 1911.

What we see in 2016 is IDENTICAL to the crusades, the 1st one started in 1095 and the 1st victims were Rhine false-Jews including Cologne !... and it ended in 1099-1100 in a Jerusalem massacre.

Rome was founded on the 111th day of 753 BCE by Etruscan false-Jews from the "synagogue of Satan" of Smyrna exactly like Apocalypse 2:9, Smyran also mentioned in 1:11. This was close to Constantinople (now Istanbul) where the relics of the 3 Kings were taken from. Constantinople was the start of the Roman Christian empire.

On the Etruscan calendar a special event on  9/11 would mark the start of the end of times, 9/11 is the 111th day before the end of A time we call a year !

 Crazy ? Wait ! Constantinople was founded by Cosntantin who was a kind of King in York, England. His mother was born in Turkey, near Constantinople which divided the Roman Empire in 2. So they just brought the power back to where it came from !

The "Holy Roman Empire" was just another name for the "Holy German Empire" and NONE of them included Rome ! The German name for their "Holy" (my ass) empire = REICH !

So Germans built tracks at Cologne in 1911 but they also finished a railway linking Constantinople to Baghdad in 1912. One of the train station was Kobani, a German name, the local city name is Ayin Al-Arab = ARAB SPRING !

The German Kaizer was allied to the Constantinople Ottoman ISLAMIST EMPIRE  during WW1, a statue of Wilhelm II is near the Rhine and to the Cathedral. The Kaizer was cousin of UK King George V and also of Russian Czar Nicholas II ... all 3 cousins thru their "Grandmother of Europe" Queen Victoria Empress of India.... a descendant of King of false-Jews David of Mt Zion, East-Jerusalem, West Bank.

These 3 cousins started WW1 to create Palestine ! Germany faked stupidity so the Ottoman Islamist Empire soldiers would loose.

UK had Lawrence of Arabia promising Arabs a "Greater Syria" in exchange for them to revolt and fight against the Islamists.

During WW1 France, UK, and Russia drew the frontiers of Palestine and all neighbors thru their 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreements ... which false-Jew David Cameron intends to celebrate it's 100th birthday on 16 May.

And ISIS claims they will erase these fronteirs... and EVERY country fakes war against ISIS and many help them, including Israel, since erasing these frontiers is the same as creating the "Promised Land" !

I have many facts to add here, but I am tired... will edit it tomorrow :)

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