Rothschild were officially owners of THEIR Bank Of England from 1694 to 1946, just slide the "6" !
Michel Dorais renamed Lauzon
It's like George Orwell's 1948 written "1984" book ! Big Brother was and IS in London, the Queen-Pope's GCHQ started her Commonwealth's ECHELON global spying 40+ years before Internet... in fact before 1948, and the GCHQ is above the NSA.
The GCHQ recruited Germany before 1953, and so many governments that one can't count them... a lot of "enemy" countries too ... When Merkel or Hollande complain about the NSA and play the offended virgin it's a gigantic farce :).
They HIDE that the Thought-Police is with false-Jew David Cameron of the HMS parle-LIE-ment bilingual as the Queen-Pope, it's double-talk or even triple since she's a Saxe-Scourge-Gottha renamed Windsor during WW1 since the Balfour "declaration" (e.g. letter to false-Jew owner of the Bank of England) came public and 3 weeks later the Sykes-Picot Agreements were also "leaked" by Bolsheviks alias "communist" Russians ... installed by the Rothschild, still today the Queen-Pope's bankster :).
There is also the Opium War against China done at the same time as a war against "Persia" or Iran, in Afghanistan, to get an opium supply source... and UK does the same today !
China was forced to accept UK to sell opium to it's citizens and the pusher in charge was a false-Jew from Baghdad, a UK friend. 1984 is identical to the 23rd or 24th Protocol of Zion (written by Russian false-Jews alias Khazar's, Scythian's, Ru's, Maygards, Huns, Alan's, Caucasians, Turk-Mongols, Aryans, Persians, hashish smoking Assassins and nomadic horse ridding warriors including Islamist's and you name it they love wars between them-selves same as Cain and Abel).
1984 is also identical to 2015 and similar to the Crusades ...starting in 1095 where the 1st victims were Rhine false-Jews attacked by Rome founded by false-Jew from Smyrna, Turkey... and Rome founded the city-state of London which founded Washington D.C. another city-state based on the Babylonian model.
Note Rome was founded on the 111 th day of 753 BC the day of birth of the Queen-Pope .. who exceeded the reign duration her ancestor the Empress of India and Queen of UK Victoria the "Grand mother of Europe" : UK King George V, German Kaiser Wilhelm II and Russian Czar immediate cousins agreed and launched WW1 TOGETHER.
Orwell married the daughter of a British military colonialist in India, a nasty bitch (see Wikipedia), who is represented by the women who sells him to Big Brother's Thought-Police.
Orwell is his lover in the book, he worked as a journalist for the Big Brother Corp. PPP while Orwell also worked for the Queen's BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) !
Victoria descended from King (of false-Jews) David, not the Thought-Police's David Cameron, but David of Mt Zion in East-Jerusalem Cis-Jordania alias West-Bank... the ancestor of false-savior and false-Jew Jesus... and the Vatican even signs is was a sun of Lucifer just like Cain and Abel, Goliath & al.
They get their crown standing on Jacob's (alias Israel) rock and pillow as per Genesis 28:11 and they get baptized with Jordan water just like Jesus... they promote the crucifix even if it is forbidden by the 2nd of the ELEVEN commandments while they knee before it as it is forbidden by the 3rd.
They also helped to establish the crazy Wahhabi "religion" as well as the absolute monarchy of Saudi Arabia home of the Mecca ... while false-Jews wrote the Qur'an as well as the Bible, Torah and Talmud all in double-talk !
Ok I stop to act as a proselyte of TRUTH :)
I am NOT "religious", I got my official apostasy from the satanist and pedophile Vatican war mongers ! The Bible DOES predict the future, it's not a "prophecy" but a PLAN to have LIES to rule on earth and it does work since we grant power to lies by believing in them (faith is am Hell of a trap !) and elections prove this
... I forgot to mention :
Satan IS hidding as the God-of-Truth (or simply indestructible information which is just a 5th dimension of the only universe) ... I am = it IS ... with ISIS another false-Jew invention active around Mesopotamia alias Babylonia which started by Cain, ancestor of false-Jews, founding Ür (Our) where Moses and Abraham were born... both very important in the Bible and the Qur'an.
ISIS false-terrorists false-Islamist mercenaries of false-Jews to create a false-war against the countries that ALL help them is also similar to 1984 ! "Je Suis Charlie" = "I am" similar to JeSuis or Jesus too ! Charlie Hebdo was MEANT to destroy all human values of all "religions" starting in the 60's ... it was a false-flag from 7th to 9th and 11/1/2015 which started by 11 deaths, 11 wounded in the 11 th arrondissement and ended in the 19 th where 11 is Biblical, 19 is Qur'an prime numbers we can't divide used as symbols to divide us and 911 is a virtual (inverted) image of a collision between the 2 !
The preponderance of 11 and 19 in nature proves that the satanic determinism does exist and acts thru "the synagogue of Satan" who "ARE" false-Jews as per Apocalypse in Greek (alias Revelation in English) 2:9 and 3:9 which they wrote, John of Patmos virtually founded the Smyrna "church" !
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