Russia joined the group fighting ISIS, the false-terrorists
false-Islamist who are false-Jew's mercenaries, that are used either to
either :
#1 - get rid of Bashar al-Assad and his government of Syria
#2 - to erase the frontiers of Syria to create "Greater Israel" alias the "Promised land"
Many sources talk about #1 but what is the difference with #2 ?
I also proved Iran is a false enemy of Israel false-Jews using facts... and Netanyahu proved it too by is own words while talking at the US (Zionist) Congress !
GOD is supposed to be the one who will create the "Promised Land"... "God is" ... and now this article says ISIS IS... I quote : "Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL)" !!
Who's God IS ISIS ?
The "God of wars", and thus lies, "the God of Moses and Abraham" false-Jews born in Ür (or Our, Iraq) a city-state founded by Cain sun of Lucifer as per Genesis 5 written, in double-talk, by false-Jew Moses... Cain ancestor of false-Jews, Ür ancestor of Babylon where all false-Jew's ACTUAL empires descend from as per Daniel 2:31.
Cain killed is brother Abel, also sun of Lucifer... and false-Jews war false-Jews since then ! What we see in 2015 = 1095 Crusades also done by false-Jews in the same cities of Syria & al !
So we have this God of wars disguising as the "God of Truth" the same way Lucifer disguises as God in the Bible written in double-talk by false-Jews ... who predicts Satan will rule on earth but doesn't say WHEN... from Genesis 1 = from the start !
False-Jews also wrote the Quran and created Islamism ,,, false-Jews founded Rome and created these "religions" too and the goal was the end, wars and Armageddon or WW3 or the last world war. The name Armageddon comes from Megiddo in Jezreel valley, south and close to Nazareth... where UK won the final battle against the Islamist empire in WW1. United (by lies) Kingdom will do what now ? UK is a "constitutional monarchy", the Queen-Pope descends from King (of false-Jews) David ... and she looks A LOT to the women of Apocalypse 12 !
NATO top military command center is NOT in Brussels, LANDCOM is in Turkey, in Smyrna (Greek name) alias Izmir (Turkish name) mentioned in Revelation (english name) alias Apocalypse (Greek name) 2:9 where false-Jews wrote that false-Jews "form a synagogue of Satan" ... Smyrne false-Jews were the Etrusc who founded Rome on the 111th day of 753 BCE, the day of the Queen's birthday ! Rome founded the city-state of London too and the monarchy of Europe descends from King (of false-Jews) David... same as false-savior and false-Jew Jesus and like him she got baptized with Jordan water !
LANDCOM = rule on earth or just the "Promised Land" that their mercenaries ISIS want to create by earsing the "Sykes-Picot" frontiers which were designed by UK + France + Russia ?
I repeat it again, this Queen-Pope looks A LOT like the woman of Apocalypse 12 :
12-1- "A woman clothed with the sun, : or "draped" by the sun which STILL never sets on the British Empire !
12-1- "and the moon under her feet," : the moon is the night light, the day begins with the night for false-Jews (same as every day of the Genesis, same for Sabbath starting Friday at sunset0... Lucifer, father of Cain ancestor of Ür-Babylone false-Jew (and their current empires as predicted in Daniel 2:31), was the Angle of light... he's the "God of Wars" (and lies) of false-Jews, the "God of Moses and Abraham" born in ÜR (Our Iraq) founded by Caïn !
Note that the moon, the night light symbolizes LIES !
The UK own the US, for many reasons and different ways they are qualified as "British Occupied Territory", like the West Bank !... the US is just a proxy for UK but they "went to the moon" (if you believe it, I don't and it's for TECHNICAL reasons ! ) ... but they went with Apollo 11 (Eleven is a false-Jew signature like 9/11 or the end of WW1 on 11/11 at 11 am) which was a design based on Von Braun, working for NASA, who designed V1 and V2 for false-Jew Hitler to bomb London ! So the Queen-Pope stand on lies and a lot come from their US proxy, including the NY UN !
12-1-"and on her head a crown of twelve stars" : 12 stars = EU flag!
The (Zionist) Council of Europe was created by 7 Kings and it looks like the Beast of Apocalypse 13 ! This Council created the EU.
12-2- "And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered." She is pregnant... Give birth to the "Promised Land" ? NWO ? New-Age "religion" ? United Kingdom of Israel ? Big Brother and his Thought-Police ? Hell on earth ? Or all of the above ???
This should be on a new year of the Babylon calendar, right ? Yom Kippur is on the 23rd September 2015, the Autumn equinox (less day more night) is on the same day, it's the 266th day where 266 = 9 lunar months of pregnancy x 29.53 days per lunar month which is 265.77 or on the 22nd ( 22= 2 x 11 and its 11 days after 9/11) at 6h30 pm thus close to sunset... also note that 266 = 14 x 19 and that the new Babylon year = 5776 = 16 x 19 x 19 where 19 is an Islam number... you remember the video about King Edward VIII doing the NAZI sign, showing the young future Queen-Pope to do it ?
That was in 1936 = 16 x 11 x 11 !! Also note that the 9/11 is 111 days before the end of the year, that 23 Sept is 99th = 9 x 11. Edward was King from 20 January to 11 December, from 20th day of start of the year to 20 day before the end for a duration of 325 days = 11.00 x 29.53 lunar months!
12-3 : "And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems:"
12-3 : The "Red Dragon" is on the coat of arms of the City-State of London (inside the Roman fortifications) and also the coat of arms of Wales, Prince Charles ex-husband of Diana... the Red Dragon can also be linked to China also controlled by UK, do you remember the Opium wars ? Hong Kong ? The Hong-Kong Shangai Bank Corp (HSBC) was created by a Scottman and it's HQ is in London's financial district : the inner London "city-state" !
12-3 : seven heads + 7 diadems = 7 "constitutional monarchies" within the "ten horns" or the 10 countries which created the Council of Europe (same as Ap 13).
We are the 10th August 2015... in the middle of a 9-11 date transition, 220th day = 11 x 20 and the 11th is 222th = 2 x 111 ... woulala we can expect ANYTHING especially false-Flags !!
Have a nice "tribulation" even if I am not Christian, not "religious" because I am against lie.
Michel Dorais renommé Lauzon
ex-engineer, ex-catholic, ex-driver, ex-militant, ex-vaccinated, ex-naive, ex-voter :)
#1 - get rid of Bashar al-Assad and his government of Syria
#2 - to erase the frontiers of Syria to create "Greater Israel" alias the "Promised land"
Many sources talk about #1 but what is the difference with #2 ?
- ISIS stated they want to erase the frontiers and create the "Levant" (ISIL) which is equivalent to the promised land !
- ISIS also specified they will erase the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements which divided the Ottoman Islamist Empire, which was similar to the Levant and to the Promised Land defined as being "from Nile to Euphrates"... that former Ottoman Islamist Empire was allied with Germany during WW1, dividing it created UK's Palestine, Syria, Saudi Arabia and many others while Lebanon and Syria became colonies of France. A side effect was Crimea and Ukraine joined the USSR (the former Russian "communist" empire) as planed ! Russia signed the Sykes-Picot agreements with UK and France... during WW1 launched by false-Jews to create Palestine knowing they would also launch WW2 to create Israel and WW3 for NWO and the Promised Land.
- So what is the difference between #1 and #2 ? Well, if Bashar al-Assad is NOT an enemy but just an actor disguised as a bad guy killing is own people then it doesn't change anything except the IMAGE shown on our Zionist medias including on the Zionist web both under total false-Jew's control ! If Bashar is an actor he acts against his own people anyway, if he's a bad guy he does it too.
- If Bashar fakes war against ISIS then he does the same as ALL the countries who fake war too while helping ISIS. Syria allied with Russia and Iran then does the same as Russia and Iran !
- If Bashar is really against ISIS why would he do the same as ISIS by attacking his own civilians ? He is helping ISIS !
- Syria bought arms from Ukraine, these arms were given to Ukraine by various countries but mostly the USA. Ukraine is officially against Russia, why would Porochenko false-Jew help Russia by helping Syria ? Because they all fake wars to have us to accept wars where the only real victims are civilians !
I also proved Iran is a false enemy of Israel false-Jews using facts... and Netanyahu proved it too by is own words while talking at the US (Zionist) Congress !
GOD is supposed to be the one who will create the "Promised Land"... "God is" ... and now this article says ISIS IS... I quote : "Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL)" !!
Who's God IS ISIS ?
The "God of wars", and thus lies, "the God of Moses and Abraham" false-Jews born in Ür (or Our, Iraq) a city-state founded by Cain sun of Lucifer as per Genesis 5 written, in double-talk, by false-Jew Moses... Cain ancestor of false-Jews, Ür ancestor of Babylon where all false-Jew's ACTUAL empires descend from as per Daniel 2:31.
Cain killed is brother Abel, also sun of Lucifer... and false-Jews war false-Jews since then ! What we see in 2015 = 1095 Crusades also done by false-Jews in the same cities of Syria & al !
So we have this God of wars disguising as the "God of Truth" the same way Lucifer disguises as God in the Bible written in double-talk by false-Jews ... who predicts Satan will rule on earth but doesn't say WHEN... from Genesis 1 = from the start !
False-Jews also wrote the Quran and created Islamism ,,, false-Jews founded Rome and created these "religions" too and the goal was the end, wars and Armageddon or WW3 or the last world war. The name Armageddon comes from Megiddo in Jezreel valley, south and close to Nazareth... where UK won the final battle against the Islamist empire in WW1. United (by lies) Kingdom will do what now ? UK is a "constitutional monarchy", the Queen-Pope descends from King (of false-Jews) David ... and she looks A LOT to the women of Apocalypse 12 !
NATO top military command center is NOT in Brussels, LANDCOM is in Turkey, in Smyrna (Greek name) alias Izmir (Turkish name) mentioned in Revelation (english name) alias Apocalypse (Greek name) 2:9 where false-Jews wrote that false-Jews "form a synagogue of Satan" ... Smyrne false-Jews were the Etrusc who founded Rome on the 111th day of 753 BCE, the day of the Queen's birthday ! Rome founded the city-state of London too and the monarchy of Europe descends from King (of false-Jews) David... same as false-savior and false-Jew Jesus and like him she got baptized with Jordan water !
LANDCOM = rule on earth or just the "Promised Land" that their mercenaries ISIS want to create by earsing the "Sykes-Picot" frontiers which were designed by UK + France + Russia ?
I repeat it again, this Queen-Pope looks A LOT like the woman of Apocalypse 12 :
12-1- "A woman clothed with the sun, : or "draped" by the sun which STILL never sets on the British Empire !
12-1- "and the moon under her feet," : the moon is the night light, the day begins with the night for false-Jews (same as every day of the Genesis, same for Sabbath starting Friday at sunset0... Lucifer, father of Cain ancestor of Ür-Babylone false-Jew (and their current empires as predicted in Daniel 2:31), was the Angle of light... he's the "God of Wars" (and lies) of false-Jews, the "God of Moses and Abraham" born in ÜR (Our Iraq) founded by Caïn !
Note that the moon, the night light symbolizes LIES !
The UK own the US, for many reasons and different ways they are qualified as "British Occupied Territory", like the West Bank !... the US is just a proxy for UK but they "went to the moon" (if you believe it, I don't and it's for TECHNICAL reasons ! ) ... but they went with Apollo 11 (Eleven is a false-Jew signature like 9/11 or the end of WW1 on 11/11 at 11 am) which was a design based on Von Braun, working for NASA, who designed V1 and V2 for false-Jew Hitler to bomb London ! So the Queen-Pope stand on lies and a lot come from their US proxy, including the NY UN !
12-1-"and on her head a crown of twelve stars" : 12 stars = EU flag!
The (Zionist) Council of Europe was created by 7 Kings and it looks like the Beast of Apocalypse 13 ! This Council created the EU.
12-2- "And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered." She is pregnant... Give birth to the "Promised Land" ? NWO ? New-Age "religion" ? United Kingdom of Israel ? Big Brother and his Thought-Police ? Hell on earth ? Or all of the above ???
This should be on a new year of the Babylon calendar, right ? Yom Kippur is on the 23rd September 2015, the Autumn equinox (less day more night) is on the same day, it's the 266th day where 266 = 9 lunar months of pregnancy x 29.53 days per lunar month which is 265.77 or on the 22nd ( 22= 2 x 11 and its 11 days after 9/11) at 6h30 pm thus close to sunset... also note that 266 = 14 x 19 and that the new Babylon year = 5776 = 16 x 19 x 19 where 19 is an Islam number... you remember the video about King Edward VIII doing the NAZI sign, showing the young future Queen-Pope to do it ?
That was in 1936 = 16 x 11 x 11 !! Also note that the 9/11 is 111 days before the end of the year, that 23 Sept is 99th = 9 x 11. Edward was King from 20 January to 11 December, from 20th day of start of the year to 20 day before the end for a duration of 325 days = 11.00 x 29.53 lunar months!
12-3 : "And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems:"
12-3 : The "Red Dragon" is on the coat of arms of the City-State of London (inside the Roman fortifications) and also the coat of arms of Wales, Prince Charles ex-husband of Diana... the Red Dragon can also be linked to China also controlled by UK, do you remember the Opium wars ? Hong Kong ? The Hong-Kong Shangai Bank Corp (HSBC) was created by a Scottman and it's HQ is in London's financial district : the inner London "city-state" !
12-3 : seven heads + 7 diadems = 7 "constitutional monarchies" within the "ten horns" or the 10 countries which created the Council of Europe (same as Ap 13).
We are the 10th August 2015... in the middle of a 9-11 date transition, 220th day = 11 x 20 and the 11th is 222th = 2 x 111 ... woulala we can expect ANYTHING especially false-Flags !!
Have a nice "tribulation" even if I am not Christian, not "religious" because I am against lie.
Michel Dorais renommé Lauzon
ex-engineer, ex-catholic, ex-driver, ex-militant, ex-vaccinated, ex-naive, ex-voter :)
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